I’m not using my time wisely

Huh.  I only read 44 books in 2013.  That feels like failure.  And I’m not off to a great start in 2014, either.  51 in 2012.  I must make better use of my time.  On the other hand, I can’t think of anything I’ve done lately that I’ve regretted spending the time on, so maybe my time is being spent just fine.  Stop judging me.

I’m feeling much better, in case you were wondering.  Still coughing, but not as much (more at night, like right now, so I kind of wish I didn’t have a throat, which would be weird).  Outside of the coughing, I feel mostly normal.  Yay.  I’m still drinking enormous quantities of water and tea, though.  Running to pee every 30 minutes makes it difficult to get anything done at work, but I manage.  Good thing my desk is fairly close to the bathroom.  I’d hate to have to sprint across the building every time, shoving people out of my way, papers flying – I am not a comic strip.  Or a sitcom.  I have more dignity than that.  (Or so I’d like you to think.)

Stuff to look at

I was going to post to a bunch of things individually, but I’m feeling a little too lazy for that, and besides – how long has it been since you visited The Bloggess?  Her links to shit-I-didn’t-come-up-with-but-wish-I-did-because-it’s-kind-of-awesome are kind of awesome this time around (not like they aren’t usually).  The cell phone crashing video is really cute (3 minutes – you’ve got 3 minutes, right?).  I haven’t watched the Wholock video because we’re not caught up on the Doctor yet, and I’m afraid of spoilers.

Check out the llama who thinks he’s Pepe LePew (from Reddit).

I….don’t have anything else, and I don’t have anything to link all of this together, and you know what?  That’s okay.

A day of downtime is the best present

Been reading a lot lately.  Well, I had a day or two where I really didn’t have to do anything else (last weekend, when I wasn’t sick).  I finished one book (The Distant Hours), started and finished another one (The Perks of Being a Wallflower, the movie of which I REALLY want to see), and started a novella (Legion), all in one day.  That’s a good day.  Now that I’m back to work and my normal routine, my pace will have to slow down a bit.  I guess.  Boo.  Also, being sick doesn’t always lend itself to being able to focus on a book.  Double boo.  Also also, liquid Mucinex is really really really disgusting.


In one of the books I read recently, the narrator has a line about how she always carries a book with her in case she has to “queue unexpectedly.” How very British. And that’s pretty much exactly why I always have a book with me wherever I go, except I’m sure I would have phrased it differently had anyone asked (not being at all British myself, obviously).  I’d love to try it out, but since no one has ever asked me in my three-decades-long reading career so far, I don’t expect them to start now.


John made French toast this morning, but he had trouble getting the cap off of the syrup container (not the plastic ones with the flip tops – the glass jar). Without making a fuss about it, he disappeared into the garage and reappeared in the kitchen a few seconds later with a pipe wrench. I started to laugh. He ignored me, tightened the wrench around the cap, gave it a little twist – et voila! An open syrup container.

Cataloging my symptoms, just for you

Why read my book when I could be watching Supernatural?  This is how I know I’m sick.  I’m not knocking Supernatural, but when I can’t summon the willpower to focus on a book when I have a whole day ahead of me, there must be something wrong.  And there is, in the sinus congestion, inflated head, throbbing headache behind one eye kind of way.  I took medicine, of course, so add weird loopy dryness to the list.  I can breathe freely through my nose, but my head is still congested.  And I’m having slight difficulty swallowing.  But I feel fine from the shoulders down.  Except for some mild aching….  This print is really tiny.  I’m going back to the couch and my TV.

What not to do

It snowed last night (a couple of inches), and then the temperature plummeted.  We woke up this morning to crazy cold windy weather and snow blowing all over the place.  John still wanted to go to boxing, so after checking to make sure the street wasn’t actually icy, we shoveled the driveway and cleared off the cars.  John’s car.  My car’s windshield was more than I could handle that early, so I made a command decision – no gym for me this morning.  I went back inside.  (I figured I’d let it all melt off while warming up the car before heading to work, which I didn’t plan to do for at least another hour and a half.)  Aaaaannnnd then I curled up on the couch to warm up and took a nap.  Except I didn’t really nap until the last seven minutes or so before my alarm was set to go off, so naturally the alarm dragged me up out of a deep fog and I was more tired then than I was when I got out of bed.  Not a smart decision.  Then I stared blankly into space for a good ten minutes before dragging myself off the couch and into the shower.  So, you know, not really the best way to start the morning.

Oh no

I came home from work today with a headache.  Not cool.  And kind of a weird cough – I’m not really coughing much, but every once in a while there’s a tickle in my throat…I put the two things together just seconds ago, and OH NO PLEASE I DON’T WANT TO GET SICK DON’T MAKE ME SICK.

Happy New Year!

I don’t really do resolutions, so I refuse to feel guilty about not going to zumba tonight.  Another day won’t kill me.  We didn’t have a party this year, but Chuck and Jess came over, we had dinner,  we played games (Cards Against Humanity is as fun as advertised, and I will absolutely NOT play it with my parents – sorry, Mom), missed the ball drop because the NY Times live feed froze, stayed up a while talking about Chuck’s job hunting plans, and then we all collapsed.  Speaking of Chuck’s job hunting plans, my one sorta kinda something like a resolution is to get my own hunt going.  There.  I guess I do have one.