Time flies
I don’t think time runs the same way on Sundays as it does the rest of the week. I just don’t believe it’s after 5 already. I don’t know where the time went, so it must not have happened the usual way. Sunday time = magic. Dark magic. I need to find the other white hats so we can band together and fight it. In unrelated news, I just watched a bunch of clips from Jay Leno’s last Tonight Show on YouTube, and I can safely say I don’t regret never having watched a single show of his in 22 years. He wasn’t funny. I suppose that assumes that his last monologue was representative – maybe it wasn’t. Still, no regrets. Now, I’m off to find some time wizards to get our Sunday hours back. Oh my god – time wizards. Timelords! Duh. Doctor, where are you when I need you?