Can’t read right now
Mom commented about Eleanor & Park, which reminded me of Eleanor & Park, and I think that’s why all of a sudden I can’t read my current book (detective mystery/science fiction Kiln People by David Brin). I’m usually a fast reader – I think I skim over the words and take in the meaning and move on. (I’m not sure how I actually read – it’s not something I can analyze. It’s like thinking about breathing. If you think about it, you’re doing it manually. You can’t think about breathing and continue to breathe automatically. I can’t think about reading and just do it.) Just now, I found myself reading every word individually, as if I were reading them all out loud, but I wasn’t taking in anything. I have no idea what I just read. Why can’t I read normally? Am I distracted? Have I gone off this book? I’m enjoying it, but maybe it’s not what I feel like reading right now. That’s not going to change anything. I know myself – I’m not going to put this book down and go read something else. I might put it down and go DO something else. Actually, I did that to come here. Maybe this was enough.
Can I tell you something? I really liked Eleanor & Park. It’s probably not a book I’ll re-read, but I was completely immersed in it. Then I had to pick my next book. I wanted it to be something else I’ll really enjoy. Like, really like. I have two Robin McKinley books just waiting for me. But I want to be reading something I really like on my birthday. If I start something now (or Friday, when I was going through this thought process), I’ll be done with it by then, and what are the odds I’ll pick two books in a row I feel that good about? So I picked up this one, knowing I’d probably like it fine (true so far) and that I’ll be done with it in time to start something else (something I’m fairly certain I’ll love) before my birthday. There are a whole lot more books I like than books I love – I’m trying to plan ahead here. But I’m probably over-thinking this.