I am not going to talk about the weather, even though it’s snowing. I suppose it’s February, and snow should be allowed in February, but John and I had really hoped we’d be out of the house before we had to shovel again. With 5 to 8 inches in the forecast, shoveling is almost certainly in our future. On the plus side, it’s likely we’ll be working from home tomorrow.
Our neighbor has been over here twice today. They don’t have any water (he thinks the meter is frozen), and the water people haven’t shown up yet. He’s been here filling a big cooler with water from our sink. I’m not entirely sure what the water is for, actually. His wife has already gone to their daughter’s house, but someone has to be around when the water people show up, so he’s still here. I offered up our shower – no idea if he’s going to take me up on that offer.
Update from John: the water is probably to fill the toilet tanks.
I started a new book at the gym this morning – it’s an evil take on Peter Pan. The prologue sucked me in. I hope it holds up.
Update on the neighbor (because I know you’re dying to hear): their water is back on. They’re unlikely to need our shower now. Thank goodness.
I was productive today (kind of), so I’m going to forgive myself my afternoon of The Vampire Diaries (I only watched two episodes). I slept through boxing, but then I had breakfast with John (not really productive, but I was out of the house), then I went to the store (we’re COOKING tonight! And tomorrow!), then I went to the gym, then I cleaned the house and started laundry and helped my neighbor – twice! And I rolled up all my boxing wraps. (I might be reaching a little.)
John just got home. We have no intention of being productive again (except for cooking dinner), and we finally finished the last few episodes of How I Met Your Mother last night, so we’re starting at the beginning of Futurama. We always need a good half-hour show in our back pocket.