Overscheduled again
This weekend is our last free weekend for a couple of weeks, and I’m afraid we’re trying to cram too much into it. Don’t get me wrong – these next couple of weekends are going to be fun. We just won’t be at home.
- We’re sending pieces of the drumset to Will in Oregon, so we have to go to the storage unit and figure out how to pack and ship those pieces (cymbals, stands, etc. – he has drums).
- We need to make a dent on our projects (getting rid of more stuff).
- I need (want? no. need.) a pedicure. Molly’s graduation is next weekend, and I will be wearing sandals, and I have 90% of a toenail on that one toe finally. It’s time for my feet to look pretty again.
- I would like to go to Athleta.
- We may try to see the new Avengers movie. (If we don’t see it this weekend, it’ll be three weeks before we get to it.)
- I need to run both days.
- We have to (HAVE TO) watch the Derby.
- We’re going over to a friend’s house to watch THE MATCH Saturday night.
- John has to fix the belt and pulley and whatever on my car.
There’s probably more. Some of these things are definitely happening, and some I would like to fit in if I can, but that’s a lot more than we usually plan for in any one weekend. Where’s my down time? My reading time? My staring at the wall time? I NEED MY STARING AT THE WALL TIME.