Missed it by one
We managed to do every single thing on our list for the weekend except one. I still need a pedicure. But I can probably get that done after work some night. Clearly not tonight – I had to work late, and now that I’m home, I’m still waiting for someone to get back to me so I can do some more work. Boo. But everything else, we did this weekend, including a trip to my favorite store. I am the proud new owner of two new pairs of running capris and two new pairs of running shorts. I will be happy to weed out some of my older workout clothes. I love that place. It wasn’t busy, so I had three sales people helping me. I needed all three of them; I must have tried on half the clothes in the store. Too bad I couldn’t buy them all. Ooh, maybe that’s my new life goal. Redo my wardrobe so it comes 100% from Athleta and Ann Taylor. And then gets updated regularly.