John and I decided a while ago that we need to embrace our geeky interests, so we’ve made an effort lately to find time for things like comic books and tabletop games. (We were already doing just fine on keeping up with the TV shows and movies and stuff.)
I don’t read comics, really – I never got into it, and when I tried, I found that I didn’t take the stories in like I do when I’m reading books. Not enough words and maybe I skim the pictures? I’m not sure. John does read comics, although not religiously. He usually keeps track of some of the Superman and Batman titles, and he says the Civil War series (I don’t know if it’s the Avengers or just Captain America) is really good. (That’s the series the next Captain America movie is supposed to be based on.)
Anyway, our local comic book shop closed in early December, so John was pretty happy to see a sign for a new one opening in our town. We dropped by on Memorial Day to check it out. Turns out the people who own it used to work at the one that closed, and the guy who was working that day recognized John, and we had a nice chat. He mentioned that the store was going to have a booth at Awesome Con in DC the next weekend, and it’s possible that John and I both heard a record scratch.
A convention in DC? The very next weekend? We’ve been talking about going to a convention (comics, gaming, fantasy, SF – whatever) for a while. With the house and the dogs and everything, there were always reasons not to, but hanging out with like-minded people celebrating the things we enjoy sounds like a really good time to us. Now, with no house and no dogs, there was really no reason we couldn’t check out a convention we wouldn’t have to travel to.
As soon as we got home, we checked out the website, and guys. Alex Kingston and ARTHUR DARVILL were going to be there. Decision made. We were going to see Rory!
John called dibs on wearing the angels have the phone box t-shirt. We’re not about to be that couple who wears the same t-shirt, and I really wanted to wear mine, so we began negotiations. John graciously gave in to me.
We only went for the day on Saturday (and we met Jess there to share in the geeky fun), so we didn’t get to do or see everything there was to do and see, but we saw enough to be happy. The only thing we didn’t do that we were interested in was check out the tabletop gaming room. Try out games, meet some people – we could have gone back on Sunday, but by the end of Saturday, we were pretty worn out.
We went to both Q&A panels (for Alex Kingston and Arthur Darvill), and they were great. Charming, funny, entertaining – you’d think they were in show business or something! Really, though, what is it about British actors? Are they born funny? Arthur Darvill’s panel was really really good. I think I have a new celebrity crush. We made friends in the line waiting to get in – Alicia and Matt have been to Awesome Con three years running. Alicia was wearing a TARDIS dress. (I totally want one.) And there was this little boy (two years old, maybe – not older than three) dressed as the 11th doctor. SO cute.
We spent the rest of the day wandering the exhibit hall, checking out all the booths (stores, stuff, artists), bought some stuff (comics, posters), and gawked at the celebrities signing autographs and talking to people. There was too much to see in the two hours we had left, but with some rushing at the end (the place was closing and they were kicking us out), we managed to get up and down all of the aisles.
We want to do it again!
momma betty
(Shouting) You are a true geek!!!
Geez, Mom, I can hear you from Mexico!
momma betty
Wow. I had no idea I could be so loud.