Trepidation is the word of the day. Last Wednesday, I told the head of HR about our plans for working remotely (and gave her the mid-August date). She’s excited for us (yay!), and she said she’d tell the CFO and the CEO. Once I hear back from her (or them), I’ll know if they’re with me or against me (it’s an us vs. them world!), and I’ll be able to share what’s going on with everyone (at work – you guys already know).
I HAVE to wait for their response. If they support me, I can tell my team I’ll be working remotely, and we can work through any difficulties that might come up. If they say no, then the conversation with my team will be very different. My HR person said I should know by the middle of this week (it’s performance review time, and everyone is very busy), so I’ve been sitting on this for days and I WANT TO KNOW NOW. Tomorrow is the middle of the week. Has she told them? Do they know? Every time I see them, I wonder.
I hate being left hanging. HR is usually very good at getting back to me, so I can only assume they (CFO, CEO) don’t know yet. Or they know, they’re thinking about it, and they haven’t told HR anything yet. I’m going to ask her, of course. I’m not the type to sit and wait, and it’s been four full business days, so I’m not being crazy-impatient. Just normal-impatient.
momma betty
Waiting is the worst. You’re ready to take action but you’re stymied y other people’s inaction. Grrr.
And more grrr.