It’s humid in Oregon, right?
It got cold this weekend for maybe the first time this fall, and we realized just how dry our apartment is. We can crank up the heat, but it’s not going help the dry skin we’re both suffering from. This morning (after brunch at Miss Shirley’s Cafe (Wow – I tried to type Miss Shirley’s Face over and over. It took three tries to get Cafe right (and I just did it AGAIN).), which was disappointing, I’m sorry to say), we went to Home Depot and bought a humidifier. We have high hopes for it, although it didn’t seem to help in the front room today. I just moved it to the bedroom and shut the door. Maybe it’ll be better by the time we go to bed.
In more positive news, I gave up on the steampunk short stories I was reading and moved on to a fantasy novel by an author I like, and I feel SUCH relief at being able to dive into a book I really enjoy. Apparently, forcing myself to read something causes me stress. The whole day turned around once I made the change.