You make me egg foo young

It’s a rainy day, we went to the gym, I had a bagel for lunch – do you know what that means?  It means Chinese food for dinner.  (It does.  My logic is impeccable.)  I always (99 times out of 100) regret it, but on a rainy night with no food in the house, I’m doomed to repeat my mistakes.

Question:  Is it better to eat cookies all day or eat lightly during the day (normal food, not cookies) and then over-indulge in Chinese food at night?

What do you mean by “better”?  More acceptable?  Nutritionally better/healthier?  

What do you care?  Since when did you become a health nut?  How many days has it been since you ate a vegetable?

You’d better back the hell off, Judgy McCritic, before I shove a vegetable where the sun don’t shine…

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