Grand Central Station
There are too many ways for people to get in touch with me, and too often, all are in use at the same time. Work people can (and do) reach me via my work email address, my office phone, my work cell, my personal cell, Skype for business, Google Chat/Hangouts, and text (on both cell phones). It’s part of my job to be available (during the work day – I do set boundaries, usually), so I don’t really mind, but sometimes it’s a bit much.
And it can be a bit much on its own, but then I add in non-work stuff that happens during the day (texts, chats, emails, calls), and it gets crazy.
Thursday, for instance, I went for a run at lunch (to clear my head because some customers at work that morning….well, I needed to clear my head), and while I was stretching, after having been back in the apartment for all of three minutes, my work cell rang. Sure, I could have ignored it, but I saw who it was and picked up because her stuff is usually important. It was, I answered her question, and went back to stretching. Thirty seconds later (still stretching), my personal cell rang with a call from our landlady. She’s got utility people in the basement and backyard, and am I home? Oh, good, can I unlock the back door so they can get to the electrical panel? Sure I can.
Shortly after that, I sat back down at my desk to find two chat windows flashing at me and lots of emails waiting. I did just clear my head, right?