Things I don’t understand
I don’t know a lot of things, obviously, and that will always be the case because who can ever know everything? But I think that if I learn something, or someone explains something to me, I’m capable of understanding it. I feel like that should be true of EVERYTHING. I’m intelligent and curious. Tell me, and I’ll understand.
There are exceptions.
Things/actions I don’t understand:
- People who wear make-up to work out
- People who wear perfume/cologne to work out
- People who don’t wave/nod/smile/say good morning back
- Acquiring a taste for something
- People who cut in line (there are some exceptions, but they require explanations and politeness)
- Dog-walkers who don’t clean up after their dogs
- Drivers who don’t use their turn signals
This may be Part 1 of an ongoing series, but for now, those are the big ones.