I need another fluffy show

You’ll all be happy to know that I haven’t locked myself out of the car OR hit myself in the face in a week.  I need a sign: 7 days since my last idiotic incident!

I have been unhealthily obsessed with finishing all seven seasons of Gilmore Girls, which I only even started because I was hearing about the reunion miniseries, and I figured it was about time I watched it.  I started watching it on September 16th with Christina (I know the date because I remember which gig John was at), and John picked up the habit later that weekend, so we have been watching this show for nearly three full months.  We sped through the last season in about a week (finished it yesterday), and we watched the first of the miniseries tonight.  We’re missing the nostalgia factor, of course.  For fans, it’s been nine years since the show ended.  For us, 24 hours.

Do I love it?  No.  Have I enjoyed our binge-watch?  Most definitely.  And I will be a little sad when there aren’t any more new episodes.  At the rate we’re going, that’ll be Saturday.  Maybe Sunday.

I’ll have to find new characters on new shows to yell at.

What’s another hour-long show that has a ton of seasons?  Oh, I guess we’ll go back to The Sopranos…