If money and time were no object, I would at least try everything in this list. And continue the things I’ve started. And still make time for all the reading. Basically, I would not be bored.
- Drawing/sketching
- Painting? Maybe
- Dancing – all types
- Horseback riding – all types
- Piano lessons
- French lesson
- Welsh lessons
- Ukulele lessons
- Guitar? Maybe
- Yoga
- Zumba
- Sky-diving
- Probably lots of other things I can’t think of right now
I need to hurry up and win the lottery.
momma betty
This what retirement is all about. Some retire earlier than others though. 🙁
I want to do most of these things, too.
Painting? Maybe
Dancing – all types
Horseback riding – all types XX
Piano lessons XX Thought about it, but no.
French lesson XXX I’ll be lucky to get better at Spanish so I can say more than “Me Speak Pretty One Day”
Welsh lessons XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Definitely not!
Ukulele lessons XXXX
Guitar? Maybe XXXX
Zumba XXXX Tried it. The hips can’t take it. Oh, the pain.
Sky-diving XXXXXXX
To my list I’ve added:
write family stories as I remember them (request from Corey)
More genealogy research
Walking, walking, walking
Improving my bridge game
Learning to sew!
Oh, yeah, traveling! Duh. 🙂