I love Robin McKinley. I’ve read 90% of what she’s written, and the only book I didn’t love without reservation was Sherwood, her take on Robin Hood. Mostly, she writes her own versions of fairy tales (she’s written two very different versions of Beauty and the Beast) and folk tales, but she’s written non-fairy tale books (still fantasy) and short stories and it’s all so good!
Then I found out she has a blog! How wonderful! And…it is, but I’m pretty sure I only think so because I already love her. For someone who likes her okay or is more indifferent than that, I think the way she formats her blog posts would come across less whimsically challenging and more hell-no-what-a-pain-in-the-ass-I’m-not-reading-this. Of course, that person probably wouldn’t be interested in her blog regardless of her footnote formatting, so it doesn’t really matter.
See for yourself. Footnotes within footnotes within footnotes. Because I love her already, and I like puzzles, and I like footnotes, I think it’s great. And I get sentences like “There are some vaguely luminescent white stripes in approximately the area where you might have expected a tab, but these are a snare and a delusion.” in a funny post about trying to open a package.
I need to find a way to work “but these are a snare and a delusion” into normal conversations.