I saw a flyer today for a book club called Eugene Book Talk that meets once a month. The flyer was old (the books were for October and November), but I’ve read one of them (The Snow Child) and liked it, so that’s a good sign. On impulse, I emailed them right then and there, and the person running the account (no name except for the name of the book club) responded right away. S/He said they’re still active, and since they couldn’t meet in December, they’re meeting this Tuesday to discuss The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry.
I looked it up, downloaded the sample, enjoyed the first couple of pages, and now I have a mission. I put aside the book I’m in the middle of (again – I put it aside for Temeraire book 8 when the library e-book became available), and now I have 49.5 hours (from right now) to read the whole thing.
It’s a good thing I don’t have to work tomorrow. If it’s interesting enough, I think I’ll make it. THEN we’ll see how I feel about joining a book club again.