Right about noon today, I glanced out the window and saw two women walk by with cardboard signs. One said something about diversity (I don’t remember exactly what). I couldn’t see the other one.
“Hey, John, did you hear anything about a protest today?” “No.” I had already checked to see if the Eugene airport is international (it’s not). Google to the rescue!
The rally was at the federal courthouse (same place the Women’s March started), and we were already planning to head that way on our walk to lunch, so we checked it out.
LOTS of people. Maybe 1000? Maybe more. Signs, chanting, someone with a bullhorn in the front, immigrants telling stories, and a guy with a competing bullhorn in the back leading more chanting. It was heartening.
(My favorite sign this time just said “This is bullshit.”)
Maybe rallies and protests will be a regular thing now. I want the momentum to keep up. I wish it didn’t have to.