I try to keep this blog free of real things that bother me. I mean, I certainly complain about stuff, but I don’t get into serious issues. I don’t plan to, either. I spend all day reading the news and talking about the god-awful things that are going on, and the last thing I want to do is write about them.
I’m angry, I’m sad, and I’m scared, and I DON’T want to talk about it. I want to hide and wake up from this terrible dream.
I won’t hide, and I will do something. I donated to the ACLU, I’ll be donating to other organizations, I’m calling my congresspeople daily, and I’ll continue to go to protests and otherwise get involved locally. I’m thinking about other things I can do.
In the meantime, I want to stay light here. It’s a nice distraction, but there are days I just can’t.
Like today. I just can’t.