I have just had the BEST afternoon. To start, it’s a beautiful spring day. John is in the recording studio with his band, hopefully having a good time. I went for a run right after he left. Temps were in the low 50s, and I did a respectable distance at a respectable pace. Lovely scenery, which I was able to enjoy because I wasn’t pushing myself, and I found purple flowers blooming and I was listening to a fascinating podcast – all good. I came home and made tortilla pinwheels for tomorrow’s SWV NOW potluck: cream cheese, sour cream, shredded cheese, green chiles, green onions, and a little garlic. SO GOOD. And so done and ready for tomorrow.
Run: good, chore: done. Let’s not forget it’s Derby Day, so after I showered, I went to Steelhead to watch the race. They had NBC coverage on half the TVs, but they told me they only turn the sound up for Oregon Ducks games, so I left. Next stop was a sports bar a couple of blocks away that I’ve never been to. It was practically empty, and the bartender changed the channel to the Derby on four or five TVs and turned the sound up, and I was happy.
They were out of mint, so I ordered champagne. Corey said I should go fancy and order a French 75, but this place was decidedly not fancy. I didn’t chance it.

Me and my champagne
I had a wonderful time watching the race while texting with Mel and Corey (and Christine by proxy). My horse (McCraken, chosen because he was the prettiest) didn’t win, but that’s true every year.
Text conversation with John:
Me: My horse did not win.
Him: To be fair, Tigger wasn’t in the race.
I left the bar after the lady with the antenna on her helmet interviewed the winning jockey while riding alongside and cut through 5th Street Market with a vague idea of buying myself a rose from Rhythm and Blooms. They didn’t have any roses (out – I’m sure they have roses), so I kept walking and hey, there was a wine tasting table set up. Wine tastings always appeal to me, but especially after two glasses of champagne, so I stopped, tried the wine, LOVED the zinfandel (which I bought), and had a nice conversation about running with the woman in charge of the tasting.
It’s still a beautiful day, and when John gets home, we’re going to take a leisurely bike ride so I can show him the purple flowers I found. Then dinner.
Happy Derby Day, Zannah!
What, no hat? How could you view the race without a hat?
Maybe next year Tigger II will bring it home.
Missing my hat must be why my horse didn’t win. 🙂