It’s forest fire season here (still, because you know, hot + dry = fire), and the air quality SUCKS. Today’s high is 99, we don’t have A/C so our windows are open, and it smells like smoke outside and in. John is feeling it more than I am, and he’s pretty miserable. I’m considering buying disposable face masks, like the ones people wear in China, to see if we can stop breathing in all the stuff that’s causing raspy voices and crap in our throats. The sky is so hazy it’s whitish-gray, and I’m not running in that. John tried to fly again Sunday morning and had to come down again pretty quickly because the visibility was so bad.
If this had happened last year, I’m not sure we would have spent another summer here. So…thank you, Eugene? Trying to push us out the door is SUPER helpful. I know we’re just trading these inconveniences for others, but we’re all about instant gratification at the moment. Being three days from moving day will do that to you.
Can’t believe you put “instant gratification” in your blog!
can’t believe you actually wrote “instant gratification” in your blog.