Easy choices

I gave up on a book Monday afternoon because I was forcing myself to get through it for no good reason.  Every time I tried to describe it, I described it in terms of how annoyed I was or how disappointed I was that it wasn’t living up to my expectations based on the premise.  I made it nearly halfway through and finally quit because I didn’t care.  I didn’t care about the characters, I didn’t care what happens in the plot (hardly anything beyond the initial premise had happened by the halfway point, so I had no expectations that anything else actually would), and I didn’t care if I never found out how it ends.  And now I won’t.

I’m rewarding myself by picking up Kindred by Octavia Butler.  She’s a treasure, or she was.  She died around 10 years ago, but her books are SO FREAKIN’ GOOD, and there’s really no excuse for why I haven’t read this one yet, probably her most well known book.  So I’m reading it now and I have no doubt I’ll enjoy it and probably learn something from it.


  1. Momma Betty

    That was me above. I don’t know why I am anonymous sometimes. Just added Kindred to my list. You might want to read Underground Railroad. I’ve been reading so many books lately.. A friend of mine has a library card from Cuyahoga County (Cleveland) Library and I’ve been logging on with her number and getting so many books from my Wishlist.

  2. Zannah

    Underground Railroad is on my list. 🙂 Just haven’t gotten there yet. I’ll check out A Fifty Year Silence, see if it speaks to me.

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