Ways that I am stressed, in no particular order:
- We’re trying to find our forever home, extra stress (get it?) on the forever. We’re tired of moving, and we’re ready to settle here and never move again, but only if we find the right house. It doesn’t have to be perfect, but if it’s not already perfect (or very close), it needs to be cheap enough to be made perfect. And I REALLY want to do it in the next month, ESPECIALLY now that our landlord is being difficult. Next bullet.
- It’s time to leave this townhouse. Our lease is up August 31st. The landlord will let us extend, but every time we talk, he adds another month to the notice we have to give, which adds another month to the length of time we’d have to carry mortgage AND rent. We were about to agree to 90 days’ notice, but then he said it’s actually 90 days plus to the end of whatever month that is. So if we gave notice on Monday, June 4th, we’d owe rent through 9/30. THAT’S NOT 90 DAYS. So we’re super irritated and about to pull the plug. If we give notice now, like today or tomorrow, we can probably still get out August 31st, but talk about adding pressure. I’m due in the second half of September. If we do this, and we’re probably going to do this, we have to find our house in the next two to three weeks and then hope everything goes smoothly with the inspection and closing.
- Work is crazy busy right now and I’m trying to figure out the best way to handle it post-maternity leave because I’m not quitting my job and we’re not putting our infant in daycare. I probably won’t work full-time, but I haven’t had that conversation with work yet, so that’ll be interesting and isn’t at all stressful, nope.
- I am PREGNANT. I’m not sleeping well, I don’t look like myself (I’m still surprised every time I look in the mirror), and holy crap I’m about to have a baby I didn’t think I was going to have. I’m juggling pre-natal appointments with extra thyroid appointments (because oh, yeah, I’ve had a messed up thyroid for over 10 years, and pregnancy is known to mess up thyroids, so I have to have additional blood tests and more visits with an endocrinologist) and trying to see houses whenever possible, but don’t forget I still have to work full-time for now. And I also have to eat right and exercise regularly and make sure I gain some weight but not too much weight. And I’m TIRED.
- I’m in a book funk. I quit my last book, read a pretty good novella, and then started a really long book that’s okay enough that I’ll keep reading it, but I don’t love it. That’s hardly a big thing, but it’s a small nagging thing, and you know what I don’t need right now? Exactly. The baby will fit that description soon enough, so how about we just avoid all small nagging things until then? (That sounds negative – I don’t mean to imply I won’t LOVE that particular small nagging thing.)
Now pardon me while I go sit on the floor and cry. Some more.
- Right. I cry. A LOT. Over both stupid things and not-stupid things. Example of a stupid thing? I cried at the end of the pilot episode of Hart of Dixie last night. Guys, that is not a good show. It’s not terrible, but it’s not good. I cried anyway. AND THEN I WATCHED THE SECOND EPISODE. My judgment cannot be trusted.
Butcher de Conejos
You’re hilarious and I love you.
Thank you, and I love you, too. I’m glad SOMEbody can find the humor in this. 🙂