We’ve mostly been doing really well with naps lately, but these last few days have seen a couple of bumps. Three or four days ago, I was trying to get Jack to go to sleep, but he kept saying “Poop” and “Poo dada”. I thought he was asking me to sing the poopy diaper song (“Poopy diaper! Poopy diaper!” to the tune of the Hallelujah chorus), so I sang it quietly for a little bit and a while later he fell asleep. I did sniff his diaper at the time – didn’t smell anything. When I changed his diaper after that nap, I discovered that he had pooped. Whoops. So the next day when he told me “Poop.” while I was trying to put him to sleep, I believed him. I picked him up out the crib (and he giggled – that should have been a clue), turned the light on, and checked his diaper. No poop. Back into the crib. He insisted he had pooped for the rest of the time it took him to fall asleep, but I wasn’t falling for it (and I couldn’t smell anything). He eventually fell asleep. Post-nap diaper change: no poop.
During our attempts to fall asleep yesterday, when he said “Poop!” several times right after I put him in the crib for his nap, I believed him. I picked him up (no giggle) and changed his diaper (there was poop). Back into the crib, where he immediately yelled “Poop!” at me. Not a chance. But after about 10 minutes of insisting that he pooped, which is a not-at-all-fun constant barrage of “Poop. Poop. Poop! Poop.” in increasingly tearful tones, I figured I should check again. He giggled when I picked him up, I checked his diaper, and there was NO POOP. Back in the crib, back to the “Poop” chorus, and he never fell asleep. No nap yesterday.
Today, I got the “Poop. Poop!” plea pretty soon after I put him in the crib again. I stood up, leaned way over to smell his diaper (to giggles), didn’t smell anything, and refused to pick him up. He eventually fell asleep.
Jack: The Boy Who Cried Poop.