All the things are happening at once
Guys, I am overworked lately and super-tired, but I am still here. WorldCon programming started today, so in addition to taking care of Jack and working, I am MAKING time to join big ol’ SFF nerdfest panels and such. It’s 100% virtual, and THANK ALL THE THINGS they’re recording each session, because they’re running on New Zealand time, which is 16 hours ahead of EDT. For instance, there’s a reading I’d like to see that starts at 10:30 tonight, and there’s another panel I’m interested in that starts at 1am. I’m going to nope right on out of those, but I’m counting on getting the recordings later.
Anyway, I’m done working, I’m done watching the two panels tonight that were on at times only slightly inconvenient for me, and I’m going to bed.
(I am so super excited about this convention. YAAAAAYYYYY!!!!)