I needed to share this with everyone because it is the cutest thing ever. This is my birthday message from Gaby (with help from Corey). 30-is-too-big
I needed to share this with everyone because it is the cutest thing ever. This is my birthday message from Gaby (with help from Corey). 30-is-too-big
I couldn’t get the mp3 to play. Anybody else have trouble? Could you email it to me?
On its way.
Also, I have no problem listening to it on my work computer.
momma betty
That is adorable. We just listened to it while we’re sitting in the living room and Gaby is in the sun room playing with blocks. She looked up and said, “That’s me!”
momma betty
Now, tell me how you did that?
How I did what? Post an mp3? I’m sure how I did it and how you would do it will be different, since you’re using a different program than I am. But if you want to give me admin access to your blog, I can figure it out and tell you how. I’ll call you later.
Email it to me too. Any way to play it on windows media?
I did, and yes.