What am I forgetting?

I am totally in the grip of eve-of-trip, last-minute list-making.  I’m convinced I was supposed to do something today that I haven’t done or look something up that I can’t remember.  I did remember to arrange a cab to pick me up tomorrow morning, something I  had forgotten until about half an hour ago.  What other things like that are lurking unremembered in my brain?  I haven’t packed, but I know what I’m packing, so that’s not it.  Of the things I can think of, the hardest thing I have to do tonight is pick what book to read next, since I’ll probably finish my current one on the flight.  And that’s hardly hard.  Hardly hard hard.  *giggle*


  1. momma betty

    You know, there’s nothing you can forget that we can’t replace here. Get on the plane already! Love you. Can’t wait to see you.

  2. Zannah

    Come on, Mom. You, of all people, should know it’s harder than that to turn off that kind of last-minute worry. It’s not like it’s incapacitating or anything. Either way, I’m packed, so I’m not worried about it anymore. Actually, it’s more like I’m getting in a cab in ten minutes, so I’m not worried about it anymore. See you in a few hours!

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