Let’s go already!

I’m ready to go.  The dogs are at the kennel, our stuff is in the car, my head is already north of Leesburg, but my body is still stuck at work.  Funny how that happens.  We have another 40 minutes to go here, at least, and knowing how Fridays usually turn out, it’s probably more like an hour or more.  Maybe we’ll get lucky.

I feel like I had a very productive morning, but I didn’t really get up any earlier.  I just didn’t go for a run.  I ran errands, instead.  Well, first I finished my book, The Book Thief.  It was really good.  I’m only mentioning that I finished it this morning because that means I started my day off crying.  I mean, crying.  But I’m okay now.  🙂  Mindy, add this to your summer reading list.  Right behind People of the Book.

I started The Android’s Dream, by John Scalzi, but I haven’t gotten far enough yet to decide if I’ll like it.