Of course I liked it

I’ve been slacking off again.  Sorry about that.  There isn’t much going on, though.  The weekend was nice and uneventful.  It rained most of the day Saturday, so it was very cozy inside.  I finished Dune this morning.  I liked it, and I was surprised that I liked it, and then I was surprised at being surprised.  Why wouldn’t I like it?  It’s classic science fiction, and I’ve always liked that stuff.  If I run into the books Frank Herbert wrote as sequels, I’ll probably read them.  I’m not in any hurry, though.  I started The Pilot’s Wife (Anita Shreve) tonight.  I’m really hoping, since it starts with tragedy, that things don’t go downhill from there.

John and I watched the last few episodes of The Unusuals last night, and then he went looking for a mystery to read.  We have some Agatha Christie, but he wanted more crime/cop stuff.  I could only find two books on our shelves.  He chose Bloodwork (Connelly) over The Devil’s Teardrop (Deaver).  I need to add books like that to our list for this weekend’s sale.