We bought a toilet today! Also, baby geese.

That’s a first for us.  We realized we couldn’t just replace the tank (no one carries Briggs toilets, apparently), so we bought a whole new toilet before work this morning.  We’ve been home for almost two hours, and John has spent that whole time trying to install it.  Of course, it shouldn’t be taking him that long, but this is not his fault.  We can’t get a watertight seal.  We need a thicker wax seal or something, and we definitely need longer bolts.  So maybe tomorrow we’ll have a working toilet in the hall bathroom upstairs.  Maybe.

And now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for…..

BABY GEESE!  Well, they’re more like teenage geese by now.  I saw them as we were leaving work today and pulled over so I could take pictures.  Because, yes, I am still carrying my camera around.  They’re not the greatest pictures ’cause every time I tried to get close, the adult geese started to charge.  Mouths open.  That’s a little scary.