So our plans changed. Instead of the mall and a movie, we drove to Long Island this afternoon to see John’s grandmother, Rose. We hit some major traffic in NY (going over the bridge and beyond), but that was mostly rush hour. Instead of three hours, it took us about four and a half. But I had Molly and Emily in the car with me (John went with his parents), so we had a good time. (Big sing-along.) We had a good visit (2 to 3 hours) and ate a ton of Chinese food, and then we headed back home (after a stop at Dunkin Donuts). This time I had Pat and Molly (Emily went with her dad, and Tom and John drove together – we picked up Tom at Rose’s place), so after we sang the entire Bing Crosby Christmas album, we sang the whole soundtrack to The Sound of Music. The trip flew by and all of a sudden, we were home and it was midnight. So Merry Christmas. I’m going to bed.
momma betty
Merry Christmas to all of you. Did the snow last? It’s cold and rainy here. Yucky. Sounds like you all had a great time despite the long ride. We miss you. (Why Chinese food?)
Yup. Still white outside. And gray and hazy. And cold. But we haven’t ventured out yet. Why Chinese food? Because we were starving and we knew we could get it on Christmas Eve. And Rose doesn’t cook anymore, as far as I know. Or at least not on short notice (and this visit was very short notice).
Miss you, too.