Hooked and feeling good about myself

I left the house today to go to the Ann Taylor at Reston Town Center, and as I passed my reflection in the windows of the other stores on the way, I was pretty happy with how I looked.  I was wearing my black boots with jeans, my black peacoat with my big green scarf, my new cute earrings (bought in Easton with Jess last week), and my fabulous new haircut, and I felt fantastic.  That lasted until I got home and ate brie and crackers AFTER my lunch of sushi and gyoza.  The brie and crackers were totally unnecessary.  But my earrings and haircut are still fabulous.  🙂

Hooked.  Overall, it was good.  We got there and mentioned to the hostess, while asking her to take a picture of us, that it was our anniversary.  So she seated us, and our waitress showed up a minute later, breathless and apologetic because she was afraid we’d been sitting there for several minutes before she noticed.  It had only been about one minute or so, so we let her off the hook.  🙂  1st good thing: bottles of wine are half off on Mondays.  It was a Monday.  2nd and 3rd good things: we each ordered a cup of soup.  Lobster bisque = fantastic.  She-crab bisque = really good.  John ordered scallops over pasta.  I think he really liked them.  The bite I had was very good.  Sadly, my mussels were just okay.  John tried a couple and got some bad ones.  (He’s fine.)  Mine were all fine, but the sauce they were in didn’t do much for me.  We decided to skip dessert and take the rest of the wine home (screw top), and when our waitress came back with the check, she had a bag that said “Happy 9th Anniversary” on it.  The bag had our bottle of wine and a free chocolate torte!  So she got a big tip.  🙂  And we had dessert when we got home.  Very good torte.  So those were good things 5 and 6 (4 was John’s entree).  We’d go there again.


  1. momma betty

    What fabulous new haircut? I thought you were going to let it grow. Send a good picture (not a blurry one). So sorry about your mussels. Such a shame. They can be so good when they’re good….and so bad when they’re bad. Did the bad ones taste bad when he tried them?

  2. Zannah

    The reason I was letting it grow was so I could have long layers and add some shape and style. That’s the fabulous new haircut. I will take a picture of it for you, but not today. I got distracted with all the cleaning after my shower today, and before I knew it, it was dry. It looks better when I use the hair dryer. So tomorrow, maybe. 🙂 And I won’t take a self-portrait, so it should be steady.

    Most of the mussels weren’t bad, and I didn’t get any of the bad ones. John did, and he said they tasted bad when he tried them. No one got sick, thankfully. That wouldn’t have been much fun.

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