I have to write it down.

Sometime during the day today I thought of something I wanted to write about.  I didn’t write it down.  So I can’t write about it.  Seriously, I thought this memory loss thing was at least a decade away.

Oh, well.

Mom asked me what our plans are for the weekend, and aside from a brunch date (that I think is still happening), I don’t think we have any.  Which is FANtastic.  We might have the opportunity to get real stuff done AND have time off.  Among other things, I want several hours of dedicated reading time.  Since I started Anathem, I’ve only really had time to read while eating breakfast and before going to sleep, and I’ve been too tired at night to read very long before turning the light off.  It’s good, and I want to find out what happens, and if I don’t settle in to read this weekend, it might be a month before I get anywhere.  Plus, I’d like to be done with it before I fly to San Francisco, ’cause in case I haven’t mentioned it, this book is HUGE, weighs a TON, and I don’t really want to carry it on an airplane.  But I don’t want to start another book just because it’s smaller if I’m not done with the one I’m reading.  That’s sort of a problem for me.  Solution: finish it before January is over.  In normal circumstances, this would not be a problem.

I would also like to have guilt-free fun internet time (which I no longer have at work since I have a real job that actually requires me to do and learn stuff.  Also, no privacy in a cubicle farm, so I’d get caught.).  I have a TON of blogs bookmarked that I’d like to check out.  I read about 8 a day, and while some of the post every day, some of them don’t, and I need more so I always have stuff to read.  Stuff I want to read.  Written by interesting people, or at least people with interesting writing styles.  Ideally, by the end of this weekend, I will have read enough content on all of those blogs to determine if I want to continue reading them.  Then, I can add them (or not) to my blogroll, and possibly provide brief reviews of them so you, my faithful (though mostly silent (which I’ve totally come to terms with, ’cause I know you’re out there (that sounds kinda creepy and desperate, but you know what I mean))) readers can decide for yourselves if they’re worth your time, too.

If I have to choose, though, the book gets a higher priority than the blogs.  But they’re on my list.  I wrote it down!


  1. Jessica

    I have to confess I counted the parantheses just to see if you had the right number of closing ones. You did. 🙂 I can’t read anything anymore without editing it. (Which causes me to spend a lot of time yelling at books, magazines and computer screens, “What kind of editors do they HAVE at these places?”)

  2. Jessica

    Parentheses, I mean. Can’t leave a misspelled word in a post criticizing people for their lack of editing skills …

  3. Zannah

    Then I will admit to checking those parentheses at least three times (once from each end, and then again just to be sure) to be sure I did it right. 🙂

    It’d be nice if I had a comment-editing feature…maybe on an upgrade. Which I should really get around to doing one of these days.

  4. Zannah

    Mom, I don’t even know who you’re making fun of here, but I’m going to take that as a request to have a spellcheck feature in the comments, too.

  5. Jessica

    I’m reasonably certain that was aimed at both of us. But I’m really not that uptight – I totally blame the day job. 🙂

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