Wow. Check this out. It’s a (short) public service ad from Sussex Safer Roads about wearing your seatbelt. The music, the slow-motion…I got a little teary.
And if you weren’t moved by the seatbelt ad, be inspired by 40 inspirational speeches from movies cut into one 2-minute speech. 🙂
I was searched the internet for inspiration (of the non-movie speech kind) and didn’t find any. I’m sure I didn’t look hard enough, but I lack the energy. The guy I trained today took all the energy I had. He’d leave the room for a break or for lunch or something, and I’d just slump back into my chair. I got home a little on the early side, so I went for a run, but that didn’t go as well as Tuesday’s run. I don’t feel invincible today. I feel like a noodle. A cooked one.
Wombat Central
Very cool seatbelt commercial. Great concept and execution. Nice find!