Down to two and a half free shelves

I was home from work a little early today, so I decided to spend my free afternoon doing my favorite kind of housework: putting books away.  I shelved all of the new books, and since I had to put them in the right places (alphabetically), I had to move all of the books, shelf by shelf.  We used to have six free shelves on this last bookshelf in the dining room, but now we’re down to two and a half.  Another 60 books or so, and we’ll be out of shelf space again.  Poor us.  We’ll have to buy more bookshelves.

Go see Bridget. She had an alien encounter (and made Cleveland look gorgeous).  Then watch this. (The two things are not at all related.)  I laughed so hard I nearly cried.


  1. Zannah

    Well, the pictures were great and I loved the story. In fact, I’m going to leave that right there as a comment. I don’t know where your normal support went this time. What’s wrong with them?

  2. momma betty

    I’m going to do what your sister does and make up a different name every time I comment. Will that improve your stats? Or not, since they’ll come from the same email addy?

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