Roxy is fine. Thought I’d start with that, since that’s pretty much how John started a phone call to me late at night on the first Monday I was in Rhode Island. That’s two weeks ago now. John got home from work that night and everything was fine. He went out to rehearsal at Will’s place just before seven and got back right around ten. He said both dogs met him at the door, as usual, wagging their tails and looking stupidly happy, as usual. But Roxy was soaking wet all around her neck. And then he saw this:
And this:
And lots more. Those two pictures are of opposite corners of the first floor of our house. There was blood EVERYwhere. It was on the dishwasher, the blinds, the walls, all over the floor, the couch, and, of course, the dog. Who was fine (and not really bleeding anymore). John spent a couple of hours cleaning up, and then he brought Roxy upstairs to sleep and left Riley downstairs. Roxy spent all of Tuesday at the vet, who didn’t have much to say. She had a shallow gash along her shoulder, which apparently bleeds like a scalp wound would on a person. As far as we can tell, Roxy had a seizure while John was a rehearsal and Riley did his crazy holding her down thing and in all the thrashing around, managed to scrape her shoulder. Blood flew during the seizure, I’d imagine, and then Roxy did her recovery thing, which consists of her wandering aimlessly around the first floor, rubbing on everything and bumping into every hard surface. This time, she tracked (and rubbed) blood all over everything within reach.
She really is fine. John said she wasn’t bleeding anymore by the time he got her into the bathtub. The vet didn’t even have to shave her. We realized we can’t leave the two of them loose in the house when we’re not home after this, and so we can’t use the pet-sitting service anymore. We can crate them while we’re at work or when we go out, but if we’re out of town, we can’t crate them all day and all night except for the three hours a day the pet-sitter is visiting. Maybe if we had a house-sitter… Luckily, the kennel had an opening (two – they have to be boarded in separate runs now, too) for the RI trip, so John left them there Wednesday morning and came to see me Wednesday night.
While I’m documenting seizures, she had that one Monday night two weeks ago (6/14), another short one the following Tuesday night (6/15), and she had one yesterday around noon (6/27). Short, we were home, no big deal. Every person who answers the phone at our vet’s office knows who we are. I called this morning to update her file with yesterday’s seizure, and all I had to do was say just that: “This is Susannah, and I’m calling to update Roxy’s chart.” They used to have to ask for my last name, my phone number, all that stuff, but not anymore. On a positive note, two weeks ago she only had two seizures in a row, 24 hours apart instead of 12. This time, she had one yesterday around noon and hadn’t had another one by the time I left for work this morning. She seems to have broken the three-in-a-row-12-hours-apart pattern. Yay!
The Wombat
I can’t imagine coming home to that scene. How scary! Glad to hear the positive notes at the end of your post.
As much as I hated being out of town while John had to deal with it by himself, I was SO glad I wasn’t the one who had to come home to it. I probably would have freaked out. On the other hand, if I hadn’t been away for work, I would have been HOME in the first place and I could have prevented the whole thing. Well, the bleeding and the mess. If I could prevent the seizures, she’d never have any. And I’d be richer. I’d totally patent that skill.
momma betty
I wish I were your vet. South of France, here I come!
But you’d fix the dog first, right?
Of course I would!