I can get lost on Etsy

I think I share that problem with many many many many other people.  There’s so much cool stuff!  I mean, check out these earrings.  How cool is that?  Geeky, yes, but there’s a whole category called Geekery, and I’m very tempted by those earrings.  They might be a little too long for me – that’s the only reason I’m hesitating.  And these owl magnets…I’ve been looking for magnets for my desk at work, and these are adorable.

Etsy is on my mind more than usual today because two of my favorite bloggers, Bridget and Spokeit, have Etsy shops for their photographs.  I only found out about Bridget’s today, and so we have today’s post.

Bridget’s Etsy shop

Spokeit’s Etsy shop

Go, browse, buy (or at least admire and send them nice notes).  Send Etsy some love.  🙂


  1. Those earrings are great! Like the Irish ones. 🙂 That reminds me of a necklace I got all excited about. They had a techfest (read: geekfest) at a local university where they were making DNA necklaces. The line was HUGE, but I was picturing a necklace much like the earrings you noted. I had hubby hold my place in line so I could wander up to the action and see what they looked like. Here’s what it was. You put a very icky liquid in your mouth and swish it around for a few seconds. You’d spit it into a cup and they’d spin it and separate your DNA from it. Then they put this liquid DNA in a teeny tube and corked it (?) shut and strung it on a necklace. Ick. SO not what I thought it was going to be. Reminded me of the Abba turd form Priscilla, Queen of the Desert.

    Aren’t you glad I put in my two cents tonight? 😛

  2. Zannah

    Wombat, you’re a reckless commenter. One of these days, you’re going to get someone hurt! 🙂

    I always appreciate your two cents, especially on this one. Words of Wisdom from Wombat: If someone offers DNA jewelry, check out the merchandise before you wait in line. (We can probably make that a little more universal.)

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