The Fibonacci Quarterly

Google is amazing.  John is reading Unknown Quantity: A Real and Imaginary History of Algebra (I know, right?), and he asked me to google the Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences.  Google listed that as the first choice by the time I got to “the online enc”.  No kidding.

There must be thousands of other online encyclopedias.  Hundreds, anyway.  How did Google know I was looking for THAT one?  (I’m aware that that there’s a real answer to that question, that it’s mostly about statistics and possibly about the sorts of things I google, ’cause if everyone else tracks what I search for and buy and spend time on, why wouldn’t I expect Google to, but I’m not looking for it right now.  Mostly I’m interested in the fact that John’s reading a book about algebra and I spent about an hour today putting together a spreadsheet to track the TV shows we’re watching, when each show is on, what episodes we’ve seen, and how far behind we are, since we no longer have a DVR to keep us on track.  I’m not sure what that says about us.  Let’s not dig too deep.  Also, let’s get out of parentheses.)


  1. Brother of Yourn

    I guess there’s really no qualification needed for the ability to write an imaginary history of algebra, huh? Hey, even Mom could write it!

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