Spring fever

I’d call it senioritis, but I don’t qualify as a senior under any definition of the word.  Spring fever is accurate enough.  I want to be outside.  I want to be active.  I want to be doing almost ANYthing that isn’t work.  It’s just as well my sad little cubicle doesn’t have a direct view of a window.

I finally finished The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest the other day.  I downloaded it from Audible.com and listened to it while in the gym or walking the dogs using the Audible app on my phone.  It took me forEVER to finish it, but I really enjoyed it.  I decided to give up on Heyday.  I was 130 pages in and I didn’t care.  Nothing had happened (except something that totally grossed me out) and I didn’t care about the characters and why should I spend my precious free time reading a book I’m not over the moon about?  I’ll have way less free time coming up soon, so I might as well enjoy what I’ve got.


  1. I’m all for putting down a book when you’re not loving it. Too many good ones out there to be wasting time on crummy ones. I’m so glad you mentioned the audio version of “Hornet’s Nest.” I just got on the waiting list for it on my library’s online audio book system. Is Audible.com free? I’ve never used that one.

  2. Zannah

    Not free, but it’s only $14.95 a month and you can get free credits (1 credit usually equals one book) a bunch of different ways. Try http://www.audible.com/hulu. They usually make you sign up, but you can always cancel the account after you snag your free book. The only thing I don’t like about them is that they use DRM (like iTunes), so you don’t really own the book free and clear. It’s why I don’t use iTunes. But I figured it would be okay for a free book. 🙂

  3. Melvin?

    Can you get senioritis after you graduate? Nevermind, stupid question. I’ve had it since February.

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