Google disconnect
First, I had no idea a lunar eclipse was going on right at this moment. (You can’t see it from the US, unfortunately.) I went to Google, saw the Doodle, and clicked on it to get the links.
Apparently, there’s a lunar eclipse happening. It might be over now. But one link in particular jumped out at me.
Let’s look at that a little closer.
The moon is going to turn black and explode?!? When? Today? HOLY SHIT! (I may be exaggerating my reaction.) I clicked the link and was sent to the Wikipedia article. It doesn’t mention the moon exploding even once.
Where did that blurb come from? How did it get there? Is anyone going to investigate this irresponsible misuse of Google? The Internet has run amok!
Update: Google is fixed. Please return to your regular programming.
Update again: Apparently, it was a Wikipedia prank from earlier today. Wikipedia fixed it, but it was still in Google’s cache for a while.