Work is getting in the way of studying. And time is flying when I do study, so I’m not getting as far in the material as I plan to each time I sit down. Stress-stress-stress, panic-panic-panic. I need a few more hours. Which probably means I’m not going to the gym tonight. 🙁 On the one hand, I’m not thinking about anything else when I’m working out, so I could use it to clear my head, as a break from studying. But a) I don’t think I’ll really need a break (math is fun! and also, the midterm is tomorrow – who has time for a break?), and 2) I don’t think I’ll be able to stop thinking about it. I mean, I figured out where I went wrong on the last problem in my latest quiz while I was in the shower this morning. Not exactly the place for studying. Why would I think I could escape it (or really want to, with the midterm looming so close) at the gym?
I’ll make myself a deal (’cause I really would like to exercise today): if I do nothing but study from the minute I get home and I make it through section 12.4 by 6, I can go. If I don’t make it that far, I can’t. I’ll run before work tomorrow morning either way.