It’s going to be okay, right? I mean, just because my boss decided that we’re going to commute downtown together three days a week starting next week for I don’t even know how long and that commute (plus some extra work travel) caused me to almost quit a year and a half ago and NO it’s not better having a commute buddy when that buddy is your BOSS –
That sentence got away from me. Let’s just say I’m not looking forward to it. Besides, she changes her plans for me on this project every other day (sometimes every day), so it’s possible that it a) won’t happen at all or 2) won’t last long. So I’m putting the frenzy away, locking it in a closet, and instead I’ll work on getting all those #%^# songs out of my head. Because THAT is a good use of my time.
Hulu Sing Off, make you happy.
I’ll look for it this weekend. Good idea!