I’ve been really irritated with Amazon this week. It’s probably (almost certainly) not their fault, but that doesn’t change how I’ve felt (and how I feel now – there’s no need to be rational). I got my new phone last Saturday (which you already know). The Sprint store didn’t have any accessories for it, so the first thing I did when I got home that night was go to Amazon and order a screen protector and a case (three, actually – I can’t decide until I see them in person). Unfortunately, nothing I ordered was being fulfilled by Amazon directly – they were all coming from the sellers. My order status was “Preparing for Shipment” starting Saturday night all the way until last night, when the stuff finally shipped. That might have been okay, but the estimated delivery dates were Jan 31st to Feb 4th the entire time, and there was a message about the status that said the delivery dates wouldn’t be affected. I’m going to have to call bullshit on that. If you don’t ship until late Wednesday night, there’s no way the package is going to be delivered by Friday (short of using some sort of express shipment method, which I did not pay for and was not expecting). So why not adjust the delivery dates? That’s totally something Amazon controls. Yes, I’ll probably still have it by the time I get back, but all week I’ve been hoping to have that stuff before we leave for the weekend and now my hopes are dashed. Dashed! Manage my expectations, Amazon! It would have been so easy to set me up for mild disappointment that I wouldn’t have my stuff in time instead of irritation that you jerked me around. I’m running around with a phone that doesn’t have a screen protector and has NO case whatsoever and now I have to travel with it that way. Disappointment is acceptable. Irritation is, well, irritating. Too bad I don’t go to yoga anymore – maybe yoga would help me transform my irritation into acceptance.