Want something good to read?

Now that I’ve outed myself as a fangirl, I might as well list the books I’ve been reading lately that have been great.  I’d say you could go check out my What I’ve Been Reading page, but I haven’t updated it in months, so there’s not much new to see.  I should do that soon.  For now, here are my latest favorites.  I’ve been reading a lot of really good fiction.  And speaking of fangirls, Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell is on that list.  I’m working my way through all of her books.

Fangirl, Attachments, and Eleanor & Park, all by Rainbow Rowell – I think there’s only one more of hers that I haven’t read yet.  I bought it a while ago.  Am I saving it?  Maybe.  For what?  I don’t know.

A Natural History of Dragons, Marie Brennan – at least one sequel has been published (yay!), with another one on the way/maybe published.

The Name of the Star, Maureen Johnson – this is the first in a trilogy that is COMPLETE.  Hooray for that.

Sword, Amy Bai – as I’ve mentioned before, she’s writing the sequel of what I’m assuming is a trilogy.  I’m willing to bet the third one will be called “Crown”.

Valor’s Choice and The Better Part of Valor, Tanya Huff – I just found out there are three more!  I’m very excited.

Redshirts, John Scalzi – he’s constantly writing more, so I’m not worried about running out of his stuff to read.

The Apothecary and The Apprentices, Maile Meloy – the third one is…being written?  dreamed about?  I’m not sure where it stands.

I really am working on updating my What I’ve Been Reading page.  I got from July of last year to the beginning of October over the weekend.  I’ll get to present day eventually.

P.S. These people are all fun on Twitter, too.  Well, the four of them I follow are fun.