Long Day
I got home today (tonight) at 9:30. PM. It feels later, and I feel like I’ve been away a lot longer, and for some reason I feel greasy. I need a shower. I’m pretty sure that’s the humidity. Today was the first muggy day in months.
I’ve been awake since 5:15. I think it’s time to end that streak. I went from boxing to work to an early dinner with John, Molly, and their mom (Molly interviewed with my company this afternoon!), and then straight to meet up with my friends from our neighborhood for about an hour. We would have stayed out later, but the coffee place kicked us out* at 9, and they all have kids, so we scattered and went home. It was fun, and today was a pretty good day, but I’m ready to be sleeping. Shower, then sleep.
*I’d like to say they kicked us out because we were causing a ruckus, but I’d be lying. They closed. Hey – we closed that place DOWN. Four rowdy soccer moms and me.