How many laptops do you think I need?
I picked today to unsubscribe from all those marketing emails I get every day. Most were easy – I don’t need to get emails from FansEdge, an online store I ordered something from once and then promptly canceled the order. I suffered a pang or two over a couple (like Lucky Brand – love those jeans, but I’m not in the market right now. Unless they start to sell boot cut jeans that aren’t giant flared bellbottoms. I’m looking for actual boot cut jeans.). The one I really don’t understand is Lenovo. I keep getting emails from them. I bought my laptop from them in December (which is why I’m getting the emails, I know), but AFTER that, they immediately began sending me marketing emails about laptops. Guys, I JUST bought a laptop from you. I no longer need one. I’m not going to buy one. Back off!