I was going to stop drinking coffee, right? As soon as my creamer ran out? Yeah, I’ve failed on that one already. I used the last of the creamer Saturday morning. Sunday morning, John flew for an hour, so I went with him just to be up and about. I couldn’t fly with him (he’s not licensed yet), so after he took off, I went looking for a bakery I’d found online. Got there, ordered a cheese danish.
“Coffee?” “Yeah, sure.”
So yeah, I had regular coffee and a danish for breakfast Sunday morning. I didn’t even realize what I’d done until we got home. But it was January 31st, right? So…maybe we can say I’m starting this in February. My birthday present to myself – less caffeine, fewer empty calories. Today (being February 1st), I had decaf tea and instant oatmeal for breakfast. Much healthier. Peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch (we’re going to the store as soon as John finishes his Battlefront mission) and nothing but water to drink the rest of the day.
Except for the half-pint of Naptown Brown Ale I had when I met Jess for lunch. Oops. Baby steps.