Today, I fixed a website issue I hope you didn’t know was there. A few weeks back, I noticed that if you try to get here, to, via any search engine, you don’t get here. By a wide margin. Instead, you end up on some Russian pr0n site. I hope this has never happened to any of you (I assume, if it had, that SOMEone would have said something to me) – oh, hold the phone.
(Searching my email.)
Well, crap. Someone DID say something to me (although not about the pr0n issue, which might be why it didn’t register) back in December. Hey, Tim and/or Beth – if you’re still out there, can you let me know if you’re still getting that message?
This redirect to pr0n thing didn’t happen to me all the time, and at first, I only noticed it on my phone, so I figured something was going on there, and I let it go. The other day, I figured out it only happened when using a search engine, and I got it to happen on two different computers, so I knew I’d have to actually do something about it.
Anyway, today was the day I finally decided to try to fix it. It only took three hours of searching Google and WordPress forums and trying to remember passwords to get into my GoDaddy hosting account and then changing database passwords and then bringing my whole site down because I didn’t put the new database password in a config file, so I had to ftp to my site’s files and fix it there –
I had to re-learn a ton of stuff about my website, and THEN I found two problems in two different files. Both are fixed, so the weird text (about viagra) should be gone while the page is loading AND the redirect from search engines appears to be gone, and I AM A WIZARD. I did this almost entirely BY MYSELF. (I got John’s help when I was deleting a couple of rows out of my .htaccess file because Google was no help and I didn’t want to delete something actually important.)

Yup, that’s me.
momma betty
So, THAT’S what stuff about Viagra was all about! I just thought it was something you had to live with to get your website working.
Along the lines of wizardry–I did the Sunday Quote-Acrostic today! Haven’t done one in decades, and I won’t tell you how long it took, but it was very satisfying.
And you never said anything? Not helpful! But good for you on the Quote-acrostic! I never do those.
momma betty
I never mentioned because it was just random words that would flash on the screen while transitioning and would then disappear. I was pretty sure you weren’t using Viagra as a sponsor for your blog. 🙂
I guess it would depend on how much they were paying me.