Yesterday, we got all caught up on our network shows, so last night, we finally started the last season of Mad Men. We’d forgotten what really good TV looks like.
I’d say more, but I just want to watch the next episode. Don’t hold me back!
Yesterday, we got all caught up on our network shows, so last night, we finally started the last season of Mad Men. We’d forgotten what really good TV looks like.
I’d say more, but I just want to watch the next episode. Don’t hold me back!
momma betty
We watched the first season of MadMen a few years ago but never went back to it. I liked it better than Dad, but I want to try it again. Have you ever watched The Americans? We’re watching Roots now.
Try it again. It’s very good. John and I started The Americans when it first came out, but that first season was hard to keep up with on Hulu because we could only get 5 episodes at a time, and we kept losing them. We want to get back to it.