The snow just stopped. Maybe 15 minutes ago. And the sun is out. Our total is somewhere around 30 inches, maybe a little more in places. Definitely more in the corners of our yard. When we were shoveling this morning, the sidewalks (which were a little lower than the yard) had 24″ of snow. We spent a couple of hours shoveling the driveway and part of the sidewalk, mostly to make sure we could get the car out if we really had to. Tomorrow we’ll tackle what fell after we quit, the rest of the sidewalk, and we’ll try to dig John’s car out. If he can swing it, I really think he should work from home on Monday. The roads will be terrible. We had a plow come through sometime last night, maybe early this morning, but none since then. Our street has at least a foot of snow. Snow snow-snow, snow-snow-snow. I’m tired of it. And it’s way too deep for the dogs. The first thing we did today was clear a path on the deck, clear the deck stairs, and shovel out an area in the yard so they could get around. They can blaze their own paths from there, although they really haven’t this time. They’ve stayed under the deck overhang, where the snow isn’t as deep. Mark asked for pictures (apparently, he needs proof – Hi, Mark!), so here they are. Maybe it’ll all disappear overnight. I’m ready for spring!
Snow depth on the bench around 9:30 last night:
Snow depth on the bench as of about 9:30 this morning (through the sliding glass door with snow on it):
Snow depth on the bench around 4:45 this afternoon:
The back corner of the yard yesterday afternoon (3-ish, I think):
The back corner of the yard around 4:45 today:
My flower bed, buried:
An evergreen in the neighbor’s yard, yesterday:
Same evergreen, after the snow stopped today:
Out the front door this morning:
The driveway, before shoveling:
John shoveling the driveway:
The house, after shoveling (and the buried mailbox):
The neighbors, also shoveling:
And Roxy, peeing in the clearing we shoveled for her:
You’re welcome. 🙂
So yeah, we have lots of snow. We came in from shoveling around 11:30 or so, showered, and then had breakfast even though it was after noon. Hot chocolate (of course), cereal (Wegman’s version of Lucky Charms), and muffins. And we watched a little TV. Since then, I’ve been messing around on the internet, and John has been stealing cars and beating people up. Seriously. Oh, yeah, and we’re drinking champagne that’s been in the fridge since New Year’s. It’s better aged. 🙂