
More snow.  The Post is calling this one Snoverkill, which makes me laugh a little every time I see it.  We’re in the band on the accumulation map that says 8-14″ between now and tomorrow evening.  The National Weather Service says our county should get between 8 and 12 inches by the tomorrow evening.

John and I will both be working from home tomorrow, but since the snow isn’t supposed to stop until evening, I don’t know if we’ll be able to dig ourselves out before Thursday morning.  My normal after-work evening is out of whack today, too.  John normally has class Tuesday nights, but it was canceled because of snow last week, and this week, the professor decided to have class via webinar.  So since just before 7, John has been glued to his laptop with headphones and a microphone so he can listen to the lecture and participate.  On the plus side, the professor apparently said he was going to try to get through the material quickly.  AND he’s home.  Also a plus.

I’m afraid I might be over The Pillars of the Earth.  I used to really like it, and I’m still enjoying it, but as I’m reading it, I catch myself 1) getting really annoyed with Tom (like REALLY annoyed), and 2) wishing they’d just hurry up and get to the good stuff already.  What good stuff?  I don’t really know.  Maybe I’ll remember why I liked it so much when we actually get to the cathedral-building sections.  Those are the parts that stuck with me.  That and the mini-tour through Europe near the end.